Rescue 50
Rescue 50 is a 2018 Ford F-150 eco-boost with four-wheel drive. For most types of incidents, it is the first vehicle dispatched to the scene either as a command vehicle for an officer or as our “Medical Response Unit” for our first responders. Carrying up to 4 personnel and having more emergency response and scene lights, making it easier to be seen on the road and lighting up our scenes better. Also coming equipped with a “rumbler” siren capable of vibrating the ground and giving a more intense and low toned sound for vehicle drivers to feel and hear to move them out of the way.

Rescue 53
Rescue 53 is a four-wheel drive 2013 Ford 550 with a fire truck-chassis. It is equipped as a rescue and rapid attack vehicle. It carries first responder equipment and supplies, 500 feet of hose, 200 gallons of water with fire-suppressing foam capabilities, self-contained breathing apparatus, hydraulic cutters and spreaders for motor vehicle incident rescues and gear for incline rescues.
It can carry up to five firefighters/First Responders. It is normally the first operational vehicle on the scene and its crew can begin medical assistance, firefighting or rescue operations within minutes of arrival.

Engine 55
-Engine 55 is a year 2024 Fort Garry pumper on a Freightliner chassis, and is the Fire Department’s main vehicle for pumping water at structural fires or wildfires. It is equipped with a variety of ladders, self-contained breathing apparatus and over 2000 feet of hose and its powerful on-board pump can deliver water for firefighting through multiple hose connections as well as a high volume water cannon. It carries 750 gallons of water on board with which to quickly begin knocking down a fire and is capable of generating fire-suppressing foam, which extends the firefighting capacity of the water by 8-10 times. For major fires it pumps water from portable tanks filled by our fleet of tanker trucks. It carries a crew of three.

Tanker 52
-Tanker 52 is a 2016 Freightliner diesel. Its sole purpose is to transport 1760 gallons of water to a fire scene. It operates with a crew of two.

Tanker 54
-Tanker 54 is a 2008 Freightliner diesel. Its main function is to transport 1760 gallons of water to the scene of a structure fire or wildfire. Tanker 54 has a powerful on-board pump and a limited amount of hose that could be used to back-up the front line vehicles, if necessary. This tanker operates with a crew of two.

Tanker 51
-Tanker 51 is a 2000 Kenworth tanker. it carries 1760 gallons of water. This unit was purchased used and its purpose was to increase our capacity, so as to satisfy the requirements for certification for Superior Tanker Shuttle Accreditation. It carries a crew of 2.

Unit 57
Unit 57 is a 2013 Kubota diesel all-terrain vehicle that carries a crew of two. It is used primarily to access the remotest locations on the Island for fire or medical assistance incidents. In summer it carries a portable pump, hose and 50 gallons of water to put out illegal or abandoned campfires. This vehicle is also used to patrol the northern parklands during very dry periods of the summer.

Utility 59
Utility vehicle 59 is a 2001 Ford 150 crew cab pickup with four-wheel drive. This vehicle is used primarily for structure fire and wildfire incidents. It carries portable pumps, hose and a porta-tank. 59 proceeds directly to an appropriate water source and sets up to quickly fill tankers 51, 52 and 54 as they transport a constant flow of water to a fire incident.