During most summers, conditions on Denman Island become so dry that outdoor fires may pose a serious threat to the community. Based on Fire Danger information continuously measured by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations, Environment Canada’s weather forecasts and the local knowledge of the Denman Island Fire Chief, fire bans may be imposed.
Fire bans include:
- Suspending the issuance of Industrial Burn Pile permits
- Discontinuing the ignition of residential or backyard burn piles
- Eliminating campfires and beach fires
As well as eliminating the ignition of outdoor fires during burning bans, restrictions also relate to the use of chainsaws and other machinery that may cause sparks or friction resulting in fire.
People using the Islands parks, trails and other woodlands are urged not to smoke while in these areas during dry periods of the year.
Clearly identified information on the status of burning, that is, what types fires are forbidden, use of chainsaws, etc., are laid out on the home page of the Denman Island Fire Rescue’s website www.denmanfire.ca. The status of burning is also plainly displayed on the Fire Department’s billboards near the village and at the Firehall or on the Fire Department’s answering machine at 250-335-0345.
During Complete Burning Bans additional signs are posted around the island.
Indoor woodstoves and fireplaces with properly installed chimneys and propane BBQ’s can be lit during the period of a complete fire ban but extreme care is advised.