Industrial land clearing or other major burn piles in excess of 3 meters by three meters require a Class “A” Burning Permit issued by the Fire Chief or designate following a site inspection. Usually, industrial burn piles are licensed only from late fall to early spring when the chance of wildfire is low.

The permit outlines a specific set of conditions that must be followed to ensure a safe and environmentally responsible burn. Typically conditions relate to the type of material that can be burned (wood products only), where the fire can be set, the dimensions of the burn pile, when the fire can be ignited, fire suppression equipment and water that must be on site, supervision of the fire and when the burn must be completed or extinguished. In addition, all fires must be continuously supervised and controlled. The vegetation debris must only be burned on the originating parcel of land. The burn must be no closer than 100 metres from the nearest residence or business and 500 metres from schools in session or medical clinics. A machine, of suitable size in relation to the size of the burn pile, must be on site a all times during the burn. The machine operator must provide a 24 hour contact number.

The burn may only take place when the venting index is forecast to be “GOOD” on the day the burn is initiated and at least “FAIR” for the following day. The venting index is available and updated daily on the home page of this website or by phoning 1-888-281-2992.

Additionally, Denman Island is in a High Smoke Sensitivity Zone, which adds an extra layer of regulation.

The burn may be terminated by the Fire Chief or designate if local airflow causes smoke to negatively impact population areas.