The Fire Danger Rating on Denman Island is EXTREME.

  • A Complete and Total FIRE BAN is in effect.  No fires of any kind.
  • No Smoking in or near the forest.
  • All High-Risk Activities are prohibited.
  • If the activity you are considering creates an ignition source or any kind of a spark……please don’t do it.

Ground patrols will be ongoing in high risk areas. Rescue # 57 pictured below, may also be used for patrols. Thank you for your cooperation.


Watch for DIFR Volunteers on the Buckley Bay to Denman Ferry today doing our annual boot drive. Funds raised through the Boot Drives over the years have been used for many purposes including the purchase of special firefighting equipment such as the all-terrain vehicle (see below), community-wide free CPR/AED training, support for special needs in the community such as the AED’s (defibrillators) purchased for the Community Hall and Seniors Hall, annual bursaries for post-secondary school education and the D.I. Firefighters’ Benevolent Fund.

 This year we hope to include free courses in the proper use of home fire extinguishers and undertake efficiency improvements to our various sources of water used for structural firefighting and wildfires.